
Letters on Tractarian Secession to Popery / Papal Usurpation & The Protestant's Catechism. 2 texts in 1 binding ~(Development of Doctrine)

1st edition

Author: FABER, George Stanley / BURGESS, Thomas ~(Newman)

Publisher: Protestant Ass. / Dalton, 1850, London

Size: xxviii, 272; xxxviii, 85 pp. Large pocket size

Book Condition: Very Good

Binding: Hardback

More Info: Binding sound, text unmarked


Notes : ~FULL TITLE: Letters on Tractarian Secession to Popery, with Remarks on Mr Newman''s Principle of Development, Dr Moehler''s Symbolism, and the Adduced Evidence in Favour of the Romish Practice of Mariolatry / Papal Usurpation, containing the Papal Bull App

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